City of Laredo Amends Emergency Health Order Amid the Upcoming Holiday

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City of Laredo Amends Emergency Health Order Amid the Upcoming Holiday

Autoriza Cofepris uso de emergencia de vacuna de AstraZeneca contra Covid-19
Llevan jornada de vacunación contra Covid-19 al centro de Nuevo Laredo
Beneficiarán a vecinos de la Blanca Navidad con vacunación contra Covid-19

LAREDO, TEXAS.-  The City of Laredo has implemented additional measures to assist with contact tracing during the New Year holiday. On Wednesday, December 30, 2020, Mayor Pete Saenz signed an amended COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Order, based on recommendations made by the Laredo Health Authority Dr. Victor Trevino, which will be in effect Thursday, December 31, 2020 and Friday, January 1, 2021.

All restaurants, including bars that have filed to be designated as restaurants with TABC, that offer dine-in and outdoor services and are open after 10:00 p.m. will be required to maintain an activity log of visitors beginning at 8:00 p.m. This temporary measure is similar to the “contact tracing logs” required from amusement redemption centers. Restaurant owners/managers must maintain an activity log of the contact information of all customers and employees and turn in these logs to the Laredo Health Department. Establishments that offer only a curbside or drive-thru service or delivery services are not required to keep this log. If a restaurant does not comply with this order, they may be subject to a fine up to $1,000.

For the last 10 days, Laredo has seen a 30% hospitalization rate, the highest in the state of Texas. Our community continues to break state record numbers. These kind of safety measures are implemented to help contain the expected surge of positive cases during the holiday break. The order does not conflict with Governor Greg Abbott’s state orders.

We want to remind citizens that the social curfew is still in place from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. It is also recommended to not participate in non-essential activities. A face mask is still required at all essential businesses, public transit or ride shares/taxis. Additionally, businesses should be operating only at 50% of their posted occupancy.

Restaurant owners can find the log template in the following link:

For more information, please visit